20 September 2008

Gambar Dajal - Bayi Mata Satu Sudah Muncul?

Baby Born One Eye - Dajjal?
Foto Dajal - Bayi Bermata Satu
Tersebar Luas Menerusi Forward E-mail

Gambar-gambar bayi bermata satu yang dipercayai Dajal ini tersebar menerusi forward e-mail. sejak 27 bulan lepas. Wartawan Isu dan Berita Hangat cuba menyiasat kebenaran berita tersebut. Sekiranyanya berita ini benar, maka benarlah dunia ini sudah di ambang kiamat.

Gambar Bayi Bermata Satu

Sebenarnya, apa yang dialami oleh bayi ini ialah penyakit Cyclopia, di mana bayi tersebut dilahirkan dengan memiliki satu mata sahaja.

Gambar Bayi Yang Dikatakan Dajal

“Holoprosencephaly” is an anomaly resulting from disturbances of early forebrain development. Because of the influence of the brain on surrounding structures facial defects are common. Fully developed cases frequently include facial defects, microcephaly, and closely set eyes.

Cyclopia: During early normal development the eye fields form on either side of the diencephalon. Failure of development of the ventral midline portion of the prosencephalon allows the eye fields to form in close proximity to one another resulting in cyclopia. In the example shown, the near absence of upper and mid-facial tissue allowed the fusion of the optic primordia below a tubular proboscis (nose).

Sumber: http://isc.temple.edu/neuroanatomy/lab/embryo/eye4.htm

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